Introducing The Next Generation of USGS Water Data for the Nation
An introduction to The Next Generation of USGS Water Data for the Nation.
New real-time data pages released
The USGS is pleased to announce the redesigned real-time data pages on, our flagship Water Data for the Nation website. These pages are being developed with the latest web technology and usability techniques. The new pages can be accessed through an announcement at the top of existing pages:

How to link to new pages from NWISWeb
Don’t worry: the existing pages you have come to rely upon will not be altered or decommissioned for some time —- not until we’re certain we’ve conserved all essential functionality.
Here is an example new page , designed to be modern and mobile-friendly, and to enhance discoverability, accessibility, and integration across data delivery platforms. And this is only the beginning — we will continue to add new features and improvements over time.

Mobile-friendly new real time data page
If you’re interested in the specifics of development releases, you can follow our software change log here: .
We hope you will will try these new pages out and offer feedback. User feedback is essential to our development process. We’ll be listening closely to comments and watching how the new pages are used. Find out more about how feedback is incorporated into future development here:
Have more questions? See answers to Frequently Asked Questions here: . We believe these new pages hold much promise. USGS is looking to our future, but holding close our long tradition of water-data presenttion on the web. We were there at the start of the Web and we are here again, building the 21st century’s water data for a great Nation.
Please direct any questions or comments about new real-time site pages here. or open an issue on Github at wdfn-blog
Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.
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