This new feature is used to search and filter through data by locations and data collection categories in WDFN.
This new feature is used to search and filter through data by locations and data collection categories in WDFN.
In 2024, we asked our users for feedback. This is what we found.
We’ve made changes to the Monitoring Location Page (MLP) to make all kinds of water data accessible from the same place in WDFN.
Details of NWISweb Decommission Campaign 1 from October 2024 to February 2025
Summary of the NWISweb webpage decommissions ongoing from October 2024 through February 2027
Feature to see current water conditions from all monitoring locations in a state that collect continuous data.
WaterServices databases are receiving a major version update to meet security and dependency requirements.
Submit to the river chlorophyll forecasting challenge, co-hosted by the USGS Water Mission Area and Ecological Forecasting Initiative.
The GDP web interface, processing service, and THREDDS data server are being retired.
Feature to maintain a list of monitoring locations you are interested in and to see the latest values of real-time data.
Feature used for better dashboard and device integration, real-time data access (less than 120 days old), and location metadata.