Improve your functions with helpful dataframe evaluation patterns.
Improve your functions with helpful dataframe evaluation patterns.
Using the tidycensus
package to access and visualize American Community Survey (ACS) data.
Iterate your R code using the map() function from the purrr package.
Write functions in R that run better and are easier to understand.
Learn the ropes building your own functions in R using water data examples.
A new, experimental application for viewing groundwater levels with historical context and for generating site-level reports.
Reproducible code demonstrating the evolution of a recent data viz of CONUS snow cover
Large pull for all total nitrogen data for streams in the contiguous United States with sites that have at least 40 measurements between 1995 and 2020.
Use R to generate a video and gif similar to the Vizlab animation series, U.S. River Conditions.
Basic dataRetrieval tutorial for USGS water data in R.