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Tag: Water Data for the Nation

Improved Public Delivery of Water Quality and Field Samples Data

USGS is improving the way that sample data are stored and served to the public. These changes will affect our back-end data management systems, web services, application programming interfaces (APIs), computational tools, and user interfaces for accessing data.

Next Generation Monitoring Location Pages Update

Our Next Generation Monitoring Location Pages continue to receive updates based on our priorities and your feedback. Key features in this update include improved controls of the hydrograph and increasing the amount of at-a-glance information.

Transition to NextGen WaterAlert NOW

From now until September 30th, 2022, current users of WaterAlert will be able to take 3 simple steps to transfer their alerts to the Next Generation system. Users will receive an email with a unique link to the transition page for their specific alerts. We anticipate this process taking 5 minutes or less for most users.

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