New Feature - State Pages
Feature to see current water conditions from all monitoring locations in a state that collect continuous data.
We are excited to announce new State Pages in Water Data for the Nation. These pages allow users to see current water conditions from all monitoring locations in a state that collect continuous data. You can explore what data types are collected at each location or see locations that collect data types that interest you by filtering the map and list.
The State Pages provide a way to see an overview of monitoring locations located in a state that collect continuous data. The latest values for real-time data are available with an emphasis on helping you create your My Favorites page and navigate to the Monitoring Location Page to see data graphs. This page is intended to be interactive and exploratory, with easy access to filtering options and the capability to share the configured URL with your collaborators.

State Page for Louisiana, showing monitoring locations that have measured discharge within the last 120 days. The radio buttons to the right of the map allow you to select other common data types, or you can filter the map with the “Customize filters” action button to show locations that collect any number of data types collected continuously in the state.
State Pages are a new offering to ensure our modernized web presence continues to meet the needs of our users. They serve a joint purpose as a network page, which groups and summarizes data from multiple locations and connects to specialty pages for more information, and an exploratory page, where you can explore water data offerings and access other network and specialty pages for more detailed information. As Water Data for the Nation replaces our legacy NWISWeb, we are reviewing content, talking to users, and ensuring that major use cases are supported in our new system.
Key Features
The State Pages include a map view and a list view of monitoring locations in the state that match your selected filters. By default, the map and list will show locations that continuously measure discharge in the last 120 days. You can change to show locations measuring other common data types with the radio buttons next to the map or use the “Customize filters” action button at the top of the page for more filtering options. Here you can select the time range of data collection, select whether to filter locations that match any or all your selected data types, and select any number of continuously collected data types that you want to filter by. The list reflects the same locations shown on the map, organized by county. Scroll through the full list of locations that match your custom filters and add locations to your My Favorites page in bulk by county using the “All” and “None” selectors.
You can select a location by clicking the blue dot on the map or clicking “Show details” for the location in the list to view the latest values for the data types you’ve filtered on. Here you can also find the option to select the individual location for My Favorites and a link to the Monitoring Location Page to interact with data graphs and see more detailed information about all data collected at the location.

The list shows locations matching your filter selections by county. Here you can select a location to view the latest values, navigate to the Monitoring Location Page, or select the location for My Favorites. You can also add locations to My Favorites in bulk by county using the “All” and “None” selectors.
Open the My Favorites section to see all locations you’ve selected for My Favorites. You can refine your list by removing locations using the check boxes or navigate to your My Favorites page using the View your My Favorites page link. Learn more about My Favorites and My Favorites-graphed , a set of network pages for keeping track of monitoring locations you are interested in, view latest values of real-time data, and create a custom list of data graphs on one page.

The My Favorites section shows all locations you’ve selected for your My Favorites page. You can refine your list here or navigate to your My Favorites page to see more ways to view data from your selected locations.
State Pages are designed to be easy to return to and share with others. The URL tracks all the filter choices you’ve made for your map and list. You can bookmark the page in your browser or easily access the full URL to copy and paste through the “Get more information” button.

The “Get more information” button provides easy access to a full list of location numbers or location identifiers with agency code for all locations shown on the state map and list, and the URL for your state with all your filters saved for sharing with others or bookmarking to return to later.
Links to state and territory pages
In the tables below, you’ll find links to each of the state and territory pages in WDFN. Once you get to a State Page you’re interested in, you can customize the filters and bookmark the URL to return to it later.
American Samoa |
Guam |
Northern Mariana Islands |
Puerto Rico |
U.S. Virgin Islands |
What’s next?
We plan to add water features to the map in the future, which we recognize will be a very useful feature for orienting or finding locations of interest. We will also be incorporating the statistical context of streamflow conditions using colors that reflect the current status. The State Pages will serve an important role in the decommissioning of NWISWeb, as they are a modernized replacement for pages such as the State Current Water Data pages (example ) as a way to see an overview of current conditions in the state and navigate to specific monitoring locations.
The State Pages are currently in beta while we collect information on how they are working for our users. Our team uses user-centered design processes to determine what to prioritize next. Let us know how the page is working for you by emailing .
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