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Water-Year Summary for Site 13213000
Chemical analyses July 1969 to December 1972, December 1973 to September 1981, October 1986 to current year.
Continuous monitoring of Water Temperature (WT) October 2008 to November 2010 and October 2013 to current year.
Continuous monitoring of Specific Conductance (SC), Dissolved Oxygen (DO), and Turbidity October 2008 to November 2010 and October 2013 to October 2018 (discontinued).
Continuous monitoring of pH October 2008 to November 2010 (discontinued).
Water Year 2014:
Water-quality sonde was installed on site on October 24, 2013. Quality of water temperature, specific conductance, dissolved oxygen, and turbidity records for the year is good with the following exceptions.
WATER TEMPERATURE: All data are rated good and 98.8 percent of the mean daily values will be reported for water temperature.
SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE: Data are rated fair during the following periods due to the use of larger data corrections:
April 3
April 7 – April 8
98.8 percent of the mean daily values will be reported for specific conductance.
DISSOLVED OXYGEN: All data are rated good and 98.5 percent of the mean daily values will be reported for dissolved oxygen.
TURBIDITY: Data are rated fair during the following periods due to excessive fouling:
April 2 to April 8
April 21 to April 27
May 4 to May 5
May 21
September 1 to September 3
September 17 to September 26
Data are rated poor during the following periods due to excessive fouling:
April 28 to April 29
May 6 to May 29
September 4 to September 16.
94.7% of the daily median values will be reported for turbidity.
Water Year 2015:
Water-quality sonde was installed on site on October 24, 2013. Quality of water temperature, specific conductance, dissolved oxygen, and turbidity records for the year is good with the following exceptions.
SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE: Data are rated good and 99.5% of the mean daily values will be reported for specific conductance.
TURBIDITY: Data are rated fair during the following periods due to excessive fouling:
Mar. 3 to Mar. 5
Mar. 19 to Mar. 22
Apr. 18 to Apr. 19
May 11 to May 15
Aug. 8 to Aug.16
Data are rated poor during the following periods due to excessive fouling:
Mar. 23 to Mar. 31
Apr. 20 to Apr. 26
May 16 to Jun. 23
Aug. 17 to Aug. 27
94.8% of the daily median values will be reported for turbidity.
Water Year 2016:
Water-quality sonde was installed on site on October 24, 2013. Quality of water temperature, specific conductance, dissolved oxygen, and turbidity records for the year are generally rated good with the exception of periods April through August, during seasonal irrigation when vegetation growth increases, which are generally rated fair. DISSOLVED OXYGEN: 98.1% of the mean daily values will be reported. TURBIDITY: 84.7% of daily mean values will be reported for turbidity.
Water Year 2017:
The practice of assigning qualitative accuracy ratings to continuous water-quality data was discontinued in WY2017.
SUSPENDED SEDIMENT CONCENTRATION: Tools, information, and quantified uncertainty around hourly estimates of suspended sediment concentration are available at the USGS National Real-Time Water-Quality website. Quantified uncertainty in each estimate is computed using a 90 percent prediction interval and does not account for uncertainty in explanatory variables used to compute suspended sediment concentrations. The maximum median daily suspended sediment concentration was 236 mg/L on February 14. The minimum median daily suspended sediment concentration was 13 mg/L on January 24 and 25. 90% of the daily median values are reported. Suspended sediment concentrations did not exceed the total maximum daily load target of 50 mg/L for 60 or more consecutive days.