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Water-Year Summary for Site 03451500

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Available Parameters
00010 Temperature, water(Max.,Min.,Mean)  
00045 Precipitation(Sum)  
00060 Discharge(Max.,Min.,Mean)  
00065 Gage height(Max.,Min.,Mean)  
00095 Specific cond at 25C(Max.,Mean,Min.)  
00300 Dissolved oxygen(Min.,Max.,Mean)  
00400 pH(Max.,Min.,Med.)  
63680 Turbidity, Form Neph(Min.,Max.,Mean)  

Water year 2024: 2023-10-01 to 2024-09-30

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USGS Water-Year Summary 2024
LOCATION - Lat 35°36'32", long 82°34'41" referenced to North American Datum of 1983, Buncombe County, NC, Hydrologic Unit 06010105, $word 35 36'32", long 82 34'41" (Revised), Buncombe County on right bank 27 ft upstream from Pearson Bridge (Secondary Road 1348) at Asheville, 1.4 miles downstream from bridges on U.S. Highways 19 and 23, 3.2 miles downstream from Swannanoa River, and at mile 145.8. (See USGS Asheville Quad. map, 1:24000, 1961, TVA ref. 192-SE.)
DRAINAGE AREA - 945 mi². (measured by TVA on recent topographic maps, scale (1:24,000). At site used Mar. 19, 1903 to Sept. 30, 1922, 937 sq mi. The main stem and many of the tributaries upstream have rather wide flood plains for this mountainous environment. Relief ranges in elevation from 1,950 ft at gage to 6,000 ft at Chestnut Bald near Brevard. A majority of the flood-plain areas are in cultivation. Otherwise the basin is characterized by steep-sloped areas covered by hardwood forests and dense undercover. The basin is somewhat sparsely populated except for a number of small towns and villages and the City of Asheville. Brevard and Hendersonville are the two largest towns located upstream in the basin. Average rainfall in the basin ranges from 38 inches at Asheville to 80 inches at Rosman.
REVISIONS HISTORY - WSP 823: Drainage area. WSP 1306: 1901, 1914-15, 1917, 1920-22, 1927, maximum discharge.
PERIOD OF RECORD - October 1895 to current year. Monthly discharge only for some periods, published in WSP 1306.
GAGE - Data collection platform. Datum of gage is 1,949.9 ft above NAVD of 1988. September 17, 1895, to December 31, 1901, nonrecording gage at present site at different datum. March 19, 1903, to July 15, 1916, and January 1, 1917, to September 30, 1922, nonrecording gage at Smith Bridge 1.5 mi upstream at datum 1,961.80 ft. October 1, 1922, to August 9, 1930, nonrecording gage at present site and datum. Satellite and telephone telemetry at streamgage.
REMARKS - Many small diversions from tributaries upstream from station for water supply. Diversions by City of Asheville and others from upstream tributaries in the Swannanoa River basin (station 03451000). Slight diurnal fluctuation and occasional slight regulation at low flow caused by power plant 46 mi upstream and small reservoirs upstream from station.

Gage-height records are generally good. Discharge records are generally fair except for estimated discharges, which are poor. Additional details on the accuracy of the records can be obtained by contacting the USGS South Atlantic Water Science Center at gs-w-nc_nwisweb_data_inquiries@usgs.gov.

EXTREMES OUTSIDE PERIOD OF RECORD - Maximum stage observed since at least 1791, that of July 16, 1916, and flood of June 17, 1876, reached a stage of 18 ft, from studies by Tennessee Valley Authority.
EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD - Maximum discharge from rating curve extended above 43,000 ft³/s, by logarithmic plotting; maximum gage height, 23.10, from floodmarks.
PERIOD OF RECORD - October 1998 to October 2014 and April 2015 to current year.
INSTRUMENTATION - Tipping-bucket raingage and electronic datalogger. Satellite telemetry at station.
REMARKS - Gage is operated in cooperation with Tennessee Valley Authority. Precipitation data collected during freezing periods may not be accurately reflected in daily record.

Water temperature began September 2013 to current year.

Specific conductance, dissolved oxygen, pH, and turbidity began June 2019 to current year. 


WATER TEMPERATURE: September 2013 to current year.

SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE:  June 2019 to current year

pH: June 2019 to current year

TURBIDITY: June 2019 to current year

DISSOLVED OXYGEN: June 2019 to current year

INSTRUMENTATION - Data collection of water temperature began in Sept. 2013 using a Design Analysis H377 temperature thermistor. In June 2019 the site was up fitted with a YSI EXO3 used to collect water temperature, specific conductance, dissolved oxygen, pH, and turbidity parameters. Data is collected and transmitted using a Sutron Satlink3 DCP. 

Station operated to define water-quality characteristics in the French Broad River Basin.

WATER TEMPERATURE: Maximum recorded, 28.4°C, July 27, 2016, August 25, 2023; Minimum recorded, -0.0°C, Periodically during winter months.

SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE: Maximum Specific Conductance: 308 µs/cm on February 07, 2021; Minimum Specific Conductance: 23 µs/cm on February 09, 2020

PH: Maximum recorded, 8.9 standard units, May 2, 2022; Minimum pH: 6.1 standard units, November 11, 2022

TURBIDITY: Maximum Turbidity: 900 FNU on January 11, 12, 2020 ; Minimum recorded, 1.1 FNU on November 29, December 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 17,  2021  

DISSOLVED OXYGEN: Maximum Dissolved Oxygen: 14.0 mg/L on December 26, 2022 ; Minimum recorded: 6.4 mg/L on August 1, 2020, August 20, 2021, July 29, 2022