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Water-Year Summary for Site 02064000

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  • Water-Year Summary reports summarize a year of hydrologic data in a printer-friendly format.
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Available Parameters
00060 Discharge(Mean)  

Water year 2024: 2023-10-01 to 2024-09-30

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USGS Water-Year Summary 2024
LOCATION - Lat 37°07'36", long 78°57'36" referenced to North American Datum of 1927, Campbell County, VA, Hydrologic Unit 03010102, on left bank at upstream side of bridge on State Highway 643, 2.7 mi northeast of Naruna, and 3.2 mi upstream from Little Falling River.
DRAINAGE AREA - 165 mi².
REVISIONS HISTORY - WSP 1333: 1930, 1931-34(M), 1935. OFR 2006-1308: Drainage area.
PERIOD OF RECORD - July 1929 to January 1935, September 1941 to March 2015 (gage temporarily discontinued for new bridge construction). May 2016 to current year.
GAGE - Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 411.463 ± 0.10 ft NAVD of 1988. Prior to Jan. 15, 1935, nonrecording gage at present site and datum.
COOPERATION - Records were provided by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality - Water Division.
REMARKS - Small diurnal fluctuation caused by gristmill at Spring Mills. Maximum discharge, 62,800 ft³/s, from rating curve extended above 7,100 ft³/s on basis of slope-area measurements at gage heights 23.9 ft, 26.5 ft, 29.2 ft, and 36.1 ft.
EXTREMES OUTSIDE PERIOD OF RECORD - Flood in August 1940 reached a stage of 26.5 ft, from floodmarks, discharge, 22,000 ft³/s, by slope-area measurement.
EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD - Instantaneous low flow, not determined, probably occurred Aug. 15, 2002.
PERIOD OF RECORD - October 2006 to September 2008.
PERIOD OF DAILY RECORD - March 2007 to September 2008.
COOPERATION - Daily records were provided by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality - Water Division.
INSTRUMENTATION - Specific conductance and water temperature monitor. Electronic data logger with 15-minute recording interval.
SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE: Maximum, 136 microsiemens/cm, Apr. 26, 2007; minimum, 38 microsiemens/cm, Sept. 6, 2008.
WATER TEMPERATURE: Maximum, 28.9°C, Aug. 9, 2007; minimum, -0.1°C, on several days.