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Water-Year Summary for Site 02042222

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  • Water-Year Summary reports summarize a year of hydrologic data in a printer-friendly format.
  • For water years 2014 onward, choose a water year and parameter and an on-demand Water-Year Summary report will be generated.
  • For water years 2006 through 2013, choose a water year and an Annual Water Data Report will be provided.
  • For water years 2005 and earlier, Annual Water Data Reports may be available in digital format.
  • Not all sites have reports available for every water year.
Available Parameters
00010 Temperature, water(Max.,Min.)  
00095 Specific cond at 25C(Max.,Min.,Med.)  
00300 Dissolved oxygen(Max.,Min.,Med.)  
00400 pH(Max.,Med.)  
62620 Elevation, ocean/est(Tid.,Tid.)  
63680 Turbidity, Form Neph(Med.,Min.)  
72137 Discharge,tide fltrd(Mean)  
99133 NO3+NO2,water,insitu(Max.,Min.,Med.)  

Water year 2024: 2023-10-01 to 2024-09-30

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USGS Water-Year Summary 2024
LOCATION - Lat 37°17'32.5", long 77°04'43.4" referenced to North American Datum of 1983, Charles City, VA, Hydrologic Unit 02080206, 9.4 miles below Hopewell, VA, and 64.0 miles above the mouth.
DRAINAGE AREA - 8,783 mi². (Internal use only - not to be displayed on NWISWeb. Not in stored in sitefile).
PERIOD OF RECORD - July 2014 to current year.
GAGE - Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 0.00 ft NAVD of 1988.
REMARKS - Flow is affected by tide and has been filtered with the Godin tidal filter. Tidally filtered data Streamflow at this site is affected significantly by astronomical tides. Daily mean discharge was computed using the Godin low-pass filter to remove tidal effects from instantaneous values. By convention, U.S. Geological Survey has established ebb (seaward) flows as positive flows and flood (landward) flows as negative flows.
EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD - Maximum elevation 5.27 ft, Oct. 4, 2015; minimum elevation, -3.23 ft, Feb. 15, 2015.
PERIOD OF RECORD - July 2014 to current year.
DISSOLVED OXYGEN: July 2014 to current year.
NITRATE: August 2014 to current year.
pH: July 2014 to current year.
TURBIDITY: July 2014 to current year.
SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE: July 2014 to current year.
WATER TEMPERATURE: July 2014 to current year.
INSTRUMENTATION - Water-quality and nitrate monitors. Electronic data logger with 15-minute recording interval.
DISSOLVED OXYGEN: Maximum, 14.8 mg/L, Feb. 20, 2015, but may have been higher during periods of missing record; minimum, 2.2 mg/L, Oct. 2, 2014 but may have been lower during periods of missing record.
pH: Maximum, 9.3 standard units, many days, but may have been higher during periods of missing record; minimum, 6.2 standard units, Oct. 9-10, 2015 but may have been lower during periods of missing record.
SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE: Maximum, 2,700 microsiemens/cm, Sept. 27, 2015, but may have been higher during periods of missing record; minimum, 75 microsiemens/cm, Feb. 25, 2016, but may have been lower during periods of missing record.
TURBIDITY: Maximum, 650 FNU, Oct. 10-11, 2015, but may have been higher during periods of missing record; minimum, 1.3 FNU, Sept. 10 2015, but may have been lower during periods of missing record.
WATER TEMPERATURE: Maximum, 33.3°C, July 27, 2016, but may have been higher during periods of missing record; minimum, -0.1°C, Feb. 20, 2015.
NITRATE: Maximum, 0.68 mg/L as N, Feb. 17, 2016, but may have been higher during periods of missing record; minimum, 0.01 mg/L as N, many days, but may have been lower during periods of missing record.