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Water-Year Summary for Site 01115297

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  • Water-Year Summary reports summarize a year of hydrologic data in a printer-friendly format.
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Available Parameters
00010 Temperature, water(Mean)  
00060 Discharge(Mean)  
00095 Specific cond at 25C(Mean)  

Water year 2024: 2023-10-01 to 2024-09-30

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USGS Water-Year Summary 2024
LOCATION - Lat 41°45'53", long 71°38'10" referenced to North American Datum of 1927, Providence County, RI, Hydrologic Unit 01090004, on left bank 500 ft downstream from bridge on Old Plainfield Pike, and 2.2 mi southeast of Rockland.
DRAINAGE AREA - 4.32 mi².
PERIOD OF RECORD - Miscellaneous discharge measurements in water years 1993-2007; continuous flow record from February 2009 to October 2014. Discharge record discontinued. Stage and water quality data continue to be collected.
GAGE - Water-stage sensor and recorder with specific conductance and water temperature water-quality monitor and cellular telephone telemeter.
COOPERATION - Providence Water (Providence Water Supply Board).
REMARKS - Records fair except those for estimated daily discharges and those for discharges greater than 200 cfs, and less than 1.0 cfs, which are poor. Maximum peak flow of 320 cfs on Mar. 30, 2010 was estimated. Instantaneous low flow of 0.02 cfs estimated Sept 24-26, 2014.
PERIOD OF DAILY RECORD - SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE: January 2000 to May 2001, October 2001 to September 2006, January 2007 to May 2007, February 2009 to current year. WATER TEMPERATURE: January 2000 to May 2001, October 2001 to May 2007, February 2009 to current year.
INSTRUMENTATION - Specific conductance and water temperature water-quality monitor since January 2000 to September 2006, and February 2009 to current year.

EXTREMES FOR 2019 WATER-YEAR (min/max info): WATER TEMPERATURE:Maximum instantaneous water temperature: 29.7 °C on July 30, 2019; Minimum instantaneous water temperature: 0.0 °C on Jan. 20, 2019, and many other days throughout the winter. SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE: Maximum instantaneous specific conductance: 90 µS/cm on Aug. 29, 2019; Minimum instantaneous specific conductance: 27µS/cm on Jan. 26, 2019.

EXTREMES FOR 2018 WATER-YEAR (min/max info): WATER TEMPERATURE:Maximum instantaneous water temperature: 31.4 °C on Jul. 03, 2018; Minimum instantaneous water temperature: 0.0 °C on Jan. 14, 2018, and many other days throughout the winter. SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE: Maximum instantaneous specific conductance: 155 µS/cm on Oct. 13, 2017; Minimum instantaneous specific conductance: 35 µS/cm on Jan. 13, 2018.

EXTREMES FOR 2017 WATER-YEAR (min/max info): WATER TEMPERATURE: Maximum instantaneous water temperature: 28.4 °C on Jun. 13, 2017; Minimum instantaneous water temperature: 0.0 °C on Feb. 14, 2017 and Mar. 16, 2017. SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE: Maximum instantaneous specific conductance: 141 µS/cm on Sept. 07, 2017; Minimum instantaneous specific conductance: 41 µS/cm on Apr. 01, 2017. Daily records for water temperature records are rated excellent. Daily records for specific conductance are rated as excellent, except for the following daily ranges:

EXTREMES FOR 2016 WATER-YEAR (min/max info): WATER TEMPERATURE: Maximum instantaneous water temperature: 29.9 °C on Aug. 12, 2016; Minimum instantaneous water temperature: 0.0 °C on Feb. 18 and 19, 2016. SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE: Maximum instantaneous specific conductance: 179 µS/cm on Oct. 01, 2015; Minimum instantaneous specific conductance: 45 µS/cm on Apr. 08, 2016. Daily records for water temperature records are rated excellent. Daily records for specific conductance are rated as excellent, except for the following daily ranges: 2015/10/17 through 2015/11/14, 2015/11/17, 2015/11/18, 2015/12/27, 2015/12/29, 2015/12/30, 2016/01/04 through 2016/01/07, 2016/01/10 through 2016/02/12, 2016/02/14, 2016/02/18 through 2016/03/08, 2016/03/10, 2016/03/12, 2016/03/14, 2016/03/18, 2016/03/19, 2016/03/22, 2016/03/24, 2016/03/26 through 2016/03/29, 2016/03/31 through 2016/04/16, 2016/06/09 through 2016/06/12, 2016/06/14, 2016/06/16 through 2016/06/23, 2016/06/27, 2016/06/29, 2016/06/30, 2016/07/02 through 2016/07/10, 2016/07/13, and 2016/08/02 which are rated good; 2016/07/01, 2016/07/11, and 2016/07/12 which are rated fair; and 2016/06/24 through 2016/06/26, and 2016/06/28 which are rated poor.

EXTREMES FOR 2015 WATER-YEAR (min/max info): WATER TEMPERATURE: Maximum instantaneous water temperature: 29.4 °C on Jul. 20, 2015; Minimum instantaneous water temperature: 0.0 °C on Jan. 27, 2015 and many other days throughout the winter. SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE: Maximum instantaneous specific conductance: 132 µS/cm on Sept. 29, 2015; Minimum instantaneous specific conductance: 40 µS/cm on Mar. 19, 2015. Daily records for water temperature records are rated excellent. Daily records for specific conductance are rated as excellent, except for the following daily ranges: daily ranges: 2014/10/09 to 2014/10/10, 2014/11/18 to 2014/11/22, 2014/11/24 to 2014/12/20, 2015/01/10 to 2015/03/10, 2015/05/11 to 2015/05/12, 2015/05/19 to 2015/05/20, 2015/05/30 to 2015/06/02, and 2015/06/15 to 2015/06/16 which are good; 2014/10/01 to 2014/10/08, 2014/10/11 to 2014/10/31, 2014/11/02, 2014/12/21 to 2015/01/09, and 2015/03/11 to 2015/03/31 which are fair; and 2014/11/01, 2014/11/03 to 2014/11/12, and 2015/07/19 to 2015/07/21 which are poor.

EXTREMES FOR 2014 WATER-YEAR (min/max info): Minimum instantaneous water temperature: 0.0 °C on Dec. 31, 2013 and many other days throughout the winter. SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE: Maximum instantaneous specific conductance: 148 µS/cm on Jun. 30, 2014; Minimum instantaneous specific conductance: 31 µS/cm on Mar. 30 and 31, 2014. Records for water temperature records are rated excellent, except for the following daily range: 2014/09/24 to 2014/09/30 rated as good; 2013/11/19 rated as fair; and 2013/10/20 to 2013/11/18 rated as poor. Records for specific conductance are rated as follows: excellent 2013/10/09 to 2013/11/17, 2013/11/23 to 2014/03/18, and 2014/07/02; good: 2013/10/01 to 2013/10/08, 2013/11/18 to 2013/11/20, 2014/03/19 to 2014/04/01, 2014/05/06 to 2014/05/19, 2014/05/21 to 2014/05/24, 2014/05/28, 2014/06/02 to 2014/06/09, 2014/06/12, 2014/06/15 to 2014/06/16, 2014/06/25 to 2014/07/01, 2014/07/03 to 2014/07/07, 2014/07/13 to 2014/08/06, and 2014/08/17 to 2014/09/14; fair: 2013/11/21 to 2013/11/22, 2014/04/02 to 2014/04/14, 2014/04/17 to 2014/04/18, 2014/06/10 to 2014/06/11, 2014/06/13 to 2014/06/14, 2014/06/17 to 2014/06/24, 2014/07/08 to 2014/07/12, 2014/08/13 to 2014/08/16, and 2014/09/15 to 2014/09/30; and poor 2014/04/15 to 2014/04/16, 2014/04/19 to 2014/05/05, 2014/05/20, 2014/05/25 to 2014/05/27, and 2014/05/29 to 2014/06/01. Missing periods are not estimated.

EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD - SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE: Maximum recorded, 184 uS/cm, Sept. 17, 2002; minimum, 12 uS/cm, Mar. 31, 2010. WATER TEMPERATURE: Maximum recorded, 32.0°C, July 19, 2013; minimum, 0.0°C throughout many winter days during the period of record.