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Water Quality Samples for the Nation

! Discrete water samples data are undergoing modernization with this page no longer being updated with the latest data starting March 11, 2024
with a full decommission expected 6 months later. Learn more about the upcoming change and where to find the new samples data in our blog.

USGS 402322085481901 GRANT 8 (GT 8)

Grant County, Indiana
Latitude  40°23'22", Longitude  85°48'19" NAD27
Land-surface elevation 878.59 feet above NAVD88
Site Type: Well
The depth of the well is 35 feet below land surface.
This well is completed in the Silurian-Devonian aquifers (N400SLRDVN) national aquifer.
This well is completed in the Silurian, Middle (354SLRNM) local aquifer.

Period of record
Begin Date End Date Samples
1966-07-14 1989-07-10 3

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Retrieve Water-Quality Samples for Selected Sites
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Parameter Group Period of Record table
Retrieve data from: to: (YYYY-MM-DD -- Blank = all data)
Retrieve sample time and time zone as stored   in UTC
Retrieve samples for specified parameter values: (Parameter Code) (Numeric Value)
Samples and parameters to include:
   Samples that include only above parameter selection criteria (Count: 0)
   Samples that include above selection criteria and all associated parameters
    <--Find parameter codes
   Samples that include above selection criteria plus one or more of these parameters in a file
    Enter the full pathname of a file containing parameter codes. (Limit: 200 codes)

Table of data
Tab-separated data *

 * Save compressed files with a .gz file extension.