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Station operated with financial assistance from the Michigan Technological University, Copper Country Chapter - Trout Unlimited,
and the
Charter Township of Portage, and in cooperation with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

[!]The water temperature data for this station are temporary and will be displayed only for the most recent 120 days. Standard USGS quality-assurance measures are not performed that would make the data acceptable for archival, retrieval, or future use in general scientific or interpretive studies.

This station managed by the UPPER PENINSULA FIELD OFFICE.

Available Parameters Period of Record
2024-06-27  2025-03-08
2014-08-01  2025-03-08
2024-06-28  2025-03-08
2024-06-27  2025-03-08
2024-06-27  2025-03-08
2024-06-28  2025-03-08


  -- or --



Summary of all available data for this site
Instantaneous-data availability statement

Temperature, water, degrees Celsius

Graph of DAILY Temperature, water, degrees Celsius

Add up to 2 more sites and replot for "Temperature, water, degrees Celsius"


Create presentation-quality graph.  

Discharge, cubic feet per second

Graph of DAILY Discharge, cubic feet per second

Add up to 2 more sites and replot for "Discharge, cubic feet per second"


Create presentation-quality graph.  

Specific conductance, water, unfiltered, microsiemens per centimeter at 25 degrees Celsius

Graph of DAILY Specific conductance, water, unfiltered, microsiemens per centimeter at 25 degrees Celsius

Add up to 2 more sites and replot for "Specific conductance, water, unfiltered, microsiemens per centimeter at 25 degrees Celsius"


Create presentation-quality graph.  

Dissolved oxygen, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter

Graph of DAILY Dissolved oxygen, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter

Add up to 2 more sites and replot for "Dissolved oxygen, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter"


Create presentation-quality graph.  

Dissolved organic matter fluorescence (fDOM), water, in situ, concentration estimated from reference material, micrograms per liter as quinine sulfate equivalents (QSE)

Graph of DAILY Dissolved organic matter fluorescence (fDOM), water, in situ, concentration estimated from reference material, micrograms per liter as quinine sulfate equivalents (QSE)

Add up to 2 more sites and replot for "Dissolved organic matter fluorescence (fDOM), water, in situ, concentration estimated from reference material, micrograms per liter as quinine sulfate equivalents (QSE)"


Create presentation-quality graph.  

Turbidity, water, unfiltered, monochrome near infra-red LED light, 780-900 nm, detection angle 90 +-2.5 degrees, formazin nephelometric units (FNU)

Graph of DAILY Turbidity, water, unfiltered, monochrome near infra-red LED light, 780-900 nm, detection angle 90 +-2.5 degrees, formazin nephelometric units (FNU)

Add up to 2 more sites and replot for "Turbidity, water, unfiltered, monochrome near infra-red LED light, 780-900 nm, detection angle 90 +-2.5 degrees, formazin nephelometric units (FNU)"


Create presentation-quality graph.