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  • New to WDFN: explore current and historic water data available in your area of interest and filter to find monitoring locations that collect the water data you need through Explore USGS Water Data. To learn more, read our announcement on the Water Data for the Nation blog.

Murderkill River at Frederica, DE - 01484080

USGS Parameter Group Data Types Start Date End Date
Information Water-quality 2015-03-17 2015-04-07
Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Daily Values, Unit Values 2007-06-02 2025-03-04
Physical Daily Values, Unit Values, Water-quality 2007-06-02 2025-03-04
n/a Peak Measurements 2007-07-29 2020-11-30
n/a Site Visits 2007-06-27 2021-08-03
n/a USGS Annual Water Data Reports Site 2007-01-01 2023-01-01
Water Data for the Nation inventory

Monitoring location 01484080 is associated with a Tidal stream in Kent County, Delaware. Current conditions of Discharge, Dissolved oxygen, Estuary or ocean water surface elevation above NAVD 1988, and more are available. Water data back to 2007 are available online.

LOCATION.-- On right bank, 300 ft downstream of Route 1 bridge, 0.2 mi downstream of confluence with Spring Creek, 0.5 mi east of Frederica, and 7.4 mi upstream from mouth. PERIOD OF RECORD.-- April 1997 to September 1999 (stage only); September 17-30, 2002 (located at upstream side of State Route 1 highway bridge, stage only); June 2007 to December 2008; June 2010 to current year. GAGE.-- Water-stage recorder and velocity meter. Datum of gage is 0.00 ft above North American Vertical Datum of 1988. Prior to October 1, 2016, datum of gage was 0.00 ft above National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929. REMARKS.-- This is a tidal discharge station. Discharge is computed from relations between stage vs. area and index velocity vs. mean channel velocity. Daily mean discharges were computed using the Godin low-pass filter to remove tidal effects from unit values. PERIOD OF RECORD (Water Quality).--SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE: June 2007 to December 2008, June 2010 to current year. WATER TEMPERATURE: June 2007 to December 2008, June 2010 to current year. pH: June 2007 to December 2008, July 2010 to current year. DISSOLVED OXYGEN: June 2007 to December 2008, June 2010 to current year. INSTRUMENTATION (Water Quality).-- Multi-parameter water-quality monitor, June 2007 to December 2008, June 2010 to current year. REMARKS (Water Quality).-- Occasional missing record due to periodic instrument malfunction.
Metadata Element Location Metadata Metadata Code
Site identification number
Site name
Site type
DMS latitude n/a
DMS longitude n/a
Decimal latitude n/a
Decimal longitude n/a
Latitude-longitude method
Latitude-longitude accuracy
Latitude-longitude datum
Decimal Latitude-longitude datum NAD83
Country n/a
Land net location description n/a
Name of location map n/a
Scale of location map n/a
Altitude of Gage/land surface n/a
Method altitude determined L
Altitude accuracy n/a
Altitude datum
Subbasin hydrologic unit
Drainage basin
Topographic setting
Flags for instruments at site n/a
Date of first construction
Date site established or inventoried n/a
Drainage area
Contributing drainage area n/a
Time Zone abbreviation n/a
Site honors Daylight Saving Time
Data reliability
Data-other GW files n/a
National aquifer n/a
Local aquifer n/a
Local aquifer type
Well depth n/a
Hole depth
Source of depth data n/a
Project number n/a

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